Sunday, November 26, 2006

lives colliding

i've fulfilled my second to last goal for life in alaska: seeing the northern lights. on my anchorage to salt lake leg flying home for thanksgiving, i was on the left window side of the plane when the aurora decided to do a hundred mile dance. it shimmered right next to me, an incandescent emerald curtain heralding the heavens. it lasted past the point when i became sleepy; i would occasionally wake and still see the striations congealing and drifting apart like dream stuff floating above pewter clouds, leading us to oz.

home has been a really good thing. the friends i have - in what seemed like my former life - have surprised me about how much they've grown. one guy started a nonprofit to update schoolbooks in a kenyan town where he volunteered, a close girl friend is a nurse for the children's hospital, another a performance poet, one guy does advocacy in DC for schizophrenics. i love how they are good people who put their money where their mouths are instead of being complacent or materialistic, or scared. i love that i am inspired again. things are forgiven. hello and goodbye.



At 10:37 AM, Blogger Julian said...

lucky you !!
and of course, you beg the question: what is your last goal in life?
care to expand?

At 4:19 PM, Blogger valorie said...

oh i meant my 2nd to last goal for living in alaska.. not "last goal for life" IN alaska! my life goals in general are pretty ambitious, and i'd be lucky if i've already accomplished most of them by now!

the other one in AK is seeing a moose :P

At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

does this mean you're finally leaving the great white north?

At 5:54 PM, Blogger valorie said...

looks like it moondog.. applying for a few jobs... not getting too crazy about it now though because i've got a big trip coming up for the holidays.


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