Monday, December 05, 2005

On the first evening of the retreat, I left for an hour and a half to drive Seamus back downtown and run an errand for Steens. My family group co-facilitator, George, drew this and gave it to me when I got back. In case you can't read it, the kids are shouting, "We're gonna walk all over George now!" while he's shouting, "I need help!", and I'm in the car flicking him off and yelling, "I hate you for no reason!"

George is a riot. We talked about starting a morning talk show together, and during lull times, we'd play a game called, "Butt or Food?" We'd ask audience members to sniff something and figure out if the smell was from ass or something we eat. Yay!


At 12:27 AM, Blogger x said...

that's a lovely tv game. consider patenting your idea though! ;)

At 6:33 PM, Blogger valorie said...

i would be too embarrassed to fill out paperwork for something called "Butt or Food?"! if someone has the balls, they can take it :)


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