Friday, June 02, 2006

take the sleep out of my night

She left pieces of her life behind her everywhere she went. It's easier to feel the sunlight without them, she said.

And here in Juneau, you need to feel all the sunlight you can get.

Lately, I am looking for something to stick, be it faith or someone's apology or our loyalty for each other. But lately, all these things have been dishearteningly fickle; the wet around here lasts longer than good intentions. I want stone bridges. The ones made of wood burn so easily.

As far as May being a month of big decisions, it did not disappoint in that regard. I'll write about my fantastic sailing weekend whenever I get the pictures downloaded.

Reading: The Gold Coast and Children of God simultaneously
Music on repeat: "Fever to Tell" -Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs


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