Sunday, October 30, 2005

some people shit on your shit and some people call you on it

Life isHigh onMe: sir paul:
Life isHigh onMe: "don't you know that it's a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder"
Life isHigh onMe: whatever else you see in him, whatever you think is tender or wonderful, he can't even handle himself, let alone you

Went to a Halloween party last night with the usual crowd and a lot of unusual people. I dressed up as a Kissing Booth--$1 or a drink. I managed to get a lot of free alcohol, some inappropriate gropings, and money to buy a cup of coffee or rent a harness at the Rock Dump (i.e. two measley bucks). Steens was Frida Kahlo (complete with dead baby in a jar swimming in battery acid water), who I didn't think was obscure, but apparently is in these parts. Some guy strapped a giant yam around his crotch--he was a dictator. Get it? Dick. Tater. Ok, I overexplain.

While I thought my costume was AWESOME, the movement with it was NOT. People found it impossible to maneuver around me in a hallway; the maximum capacity of many of the rooms halved if I was in it; on the dance floor, I had to be given wide berth. I caused traffic jams on stairways. It was a logistical nightmare.

Today, a group of people recognized me. One said, "I don't know your name, but you're the kissing booth girl! That's gonna be what I'll call you." I laughed. "Well, I have been called worse things. Have at it."


At 9:16 AM, Blogger x said...

kissing booth girl, the story of my life!
and a terrific idea :)
did Kahlo have a Diego Rivera with her as well?

At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet your outfit was hysterical! I haven't stopped laughing at the dictator outfit either. ;-)

At 1:43 PM, Blogger valorie said...

she didn't have a was hard enough finding people who knew who frida kahlo was! at one point, a cute guy was asking about her costume when i came up and said, "Steens, if you meet a guy who knows who you are, he's dateable material." And she turns to him and says, "Ask around. Some of the girls here know!"

At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey. Jason from here. Enjoying your blog. So disaapointing more people did not recognize Frida. Where was this party at? Did she have any monkeys or skeletons? All she should really need is that gorgeous, bushy eyebrow and mexican patterned skirt though.

At 5:49 PM, Blogger valorie said...

hey jason! haven't heard from/seen u in a long time! the party was on 6th and franklin; they pulled a hell/purgatory/heaven theme. steens did have the gorgeous unibrow and mexican skirt and even somberly carried her dead baby in a jar ALL night but still nothing. maybe 2-3 girls knew, but you're the first guy!


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