Friday, March 03, 2006

Midnight on 5 Cups of Coffee

i can get wireless here in kodiak if i kneel on a lumpy couch facing east with the laptop propped precariously on a window ledge. that's when it's not raining or snowing or between the hours of 5-11p.m. my first day here, the resident representatives of the God squad rescued me at the airport and expressed serious qualms about dropping me off at some strangers' house. that's because i didn't know who i was staying with, which is often the case when i travel. they turned out to be wonderful and extraordinarily hospitable people, which is often the case with strangers i meet in my travels.

my presentation has morphed considerably since its conception. hell, it's a totally different creature from sunday afternoon at rehearsal. it's also much longer than 15 minutes but luckily for me, and maybe not so much for the audience, the person scheduled after me is a no-show so if/when i do run long, nobody's going to stab me with a prehistoric bone artifact after the conference. i do feel really awkward about my topic now because i am a lone cultural anthropology paper - about filipinos no less - in a sea of alaskan archaeology and native heritage preservation. i have a feeling my "audience" is going to be the filipino janitor. and that's probably just because he's mopping up the mess from the last ass whose presentation ran long. @!#$%

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