Thursday, April 20, 2006

non sequiturs

It surprises me when other people are surprised by insight. It disappoints me when they are turned off by it.
Someone who walks away and someone who doesn’t.
He dismisses her because she isn’t talking about him. It fails to hold his interest and irritates him.
She lives her life as a series of betrayals.

"Does everyone around here pretend they don't like sex? she said & I nodded. O, she said, then we should probably not get to be friends, because I'm going to have to move soon." -Storypeople
We constantly demand honesty but are scared shitless to get the real thing. And then suddenly we're aghast at this horrible truth just standing there all awkward and naked and turning its feet together because it knows it's unwanted, and you want to tell it to go back in the room and change into something more palatable, quick, before the guests get scared away.
We don't compliment each other enough.

Scary Truth #1: I don't feel ready to leave Juneau.

Scary Truth #2: It still only takes, "If I could, I wouldn't ever let you go."

Scary Truth #3: Yes, everyone craps. Your parents/the love of your life/Dakota Fanning. Get over it.

Scary Truth #4: ...


At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

#4, you love that wig so much youre still wearing it?

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww, and i was hoping we'd get to hang out in austin together... :( well, i suppose you could still leave juneau, you're just not sure if you're ready yet. take your time. no sense rushing into something you might regret.

At 11:42 PM, Blogger valorie said...

#4 is a scary truth i'm too afraid to admit.

moondog: my old roommate just moved to austin with his gf. i probably won't get there until fall 2007, granted i get accepted at all.

At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'll probably still be here :) if you ever have a chance to visit let me know

At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

#4 Valorie loves Juneau. The rest aren't nearly as scarey.

Raven mad


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