the two most foul-mouthed people in juneau...
are my roommate and neighbor. and they are hilarious. and creative with their foul usage. my roommate is dirty in a George Carlin kind of way. I overheard a bit of his phone conversation one day, and he literally said, "So yeah, just f**king call me sometime. We'll go on a f*cking hike." and my neighbor is dirty in a Dirty Sanchez kind of way. 15 minutes with him, and you've got a preview of The Aristocrats.
Two choice comments they made this weekend:
"Let's save Terry Schiavo! Let's save a f**king bag of water on a table!" -roommate in explosive reaction to Christian conservative crusaders protesting a Christian Afghan's predicament while thousands of people have died in Iraq from the war
"You're gonna make me venir!" -neighbor after Cristina touched his necklace
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