Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Simultaneous... Workout

Oh my God. I'm working at the gym, and this woman right in front of me is using a leg machine. She's staring at the ceiling with her eyes closed, and she's moving her legs apart and together so slowly like she is concentrating on an orgasm. There's a guy next to her on the same machine, and he's doing his rough and regular. This is hilarious. They just finished at the same time. That's sweet. Don't you love it when it works out that way?? My own exercises are more like, "This sure would be more fun with a buddy."


At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i find that finishing a ...workout at the same time is not as satisfying somehow. but it is *always* nice to ...workout with a buddy ;)

At 9:53 PM, Blogger valorie said...

moondog: not as satisfying, how come? i can't actually say this has ever happened to me. i'd imagine it's pretty rare. and... it depends on the buddy, haha!

At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i couldn't tell you. it only happened one time and although she thought it was nice i really didn't feel like it was any more special than any other way. of course, it was my ex, so that may have something to do with it, but i just wasn't terribly overwhelmed by the experience.

At 2:15 PM, Blogger Chipper said...

Ahahhaahaha! I think I know the exact machine you're talking about--we always say it's the scissors machine and we laugh that we need a cold shower after working out on it!


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